Android apps may work on one Chromebook but not on another as well until the vendor updates the Android app.

It was a "high priority" issue and was fixed with the next Chrome OS update. I have had issues in the past with Google updates disabling my headphone jack and finding out it was a known issue with an earlier Chrome OS update. It may be that my Chromebook hardware in not compatible with the update fix. I also restarted my Chromebook with the same result. I deleted and reinstalled the extension and that did not work, forcing me to enter the extension settings and "repair" the extension. The same behavior of needing to restart continues with the lates version of the extension on my Asus 302c Chromebook. I am on Version 77 the next higher version. I mention the payment to imply I'm not just someone moaning about a free product not working, I put my money down and paid for the product to help provide successfully completed an end to end test using Chromebook (OS v. This is what I am asking NOT about malwarebytes for chromebook. Your own marketing and product both seem to suggest that the browser guard is supported on the chromebook.

and point me to the browser guard page when i install the malware bytes product on the chromebook.? So if you dont support browser guard on the chromebook why on the chromebook malwarebytes page do you recommend I use it. We recommend adding our free Malwarebytes Browser Guard extension for faster page loading and protection against risky sites, such as phishing and tech support scams I'm asking why, if that is the case, on the malwarebytes chromebook.page does it explicitly state That browser guard is not supported on the chromebook The question is about browser guard - correct